Python scripting in Advanced Task Scheduler

With Advanced Task Scheduler, you can run a Python script right from a scheduled task. The script will be passed to the interpreter, and output will appear in the task's execution log when the script completes execution.

Python Task
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Getting Python version
The script below displays current Python version to the task execution log:

import platform
print platform.python_version()

Current task's arguments
The script below displays the advscheduler dictionary to the task execution log:

for key, value in advscheduler.iteritems() :
print key, value

Load code from external files
The script below runs Python code from the file:


Commander features
Python script can call some Advanced Task Scheduler features via the Command line tool. The example below demonstrates how to send an e-mail message to a GMail address:

from subprocess import call

Where commander is file name and path to the Command line tool: advscheduler_commander.exe, advscheduler_procmd.exe (Professional Edition) or advscheduler_netcmd.exe (Network Edition). Command line described in the Command line tool topic.

Categories: Shortcut type, Task scheduler

One response to “Python scripting in Advanced Task Scheduler”

  1. Southsoftware says:

    If you want to run a basic Python script, which does not require additional modules, consider this Compact Portable Python for Windows. This is a regular Python built from original sources and packed into a single executable file. The packed executable is a lightweight all-in-one Python interpreter, which includes a virtual file system that works like a read-only RAM-disk. Python includes all standard modules, excluding Tkinter and Distutils modules.

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