Working with tasks

Creating new task
To create new scheduled task: select the Add Task Wizard command from the Tasks menu or click the button Add Task Wizard on the toolbar. This opens the wizard that helps you to set up a scheduled task. Alternatively, you can select the Add Task command from the Tasks menu or click the button Add Task on the toolbar. This opens the dialog window with properties of the new task to be scheduled. Select the task type and its automatic start time, and then click the OK button to save the task or click the Cancel button to cancel creating new task.

Removing scheduled tasks
To delete scheduled task: select the Remove task(s) command from the Tasks menu or click the button Remove task on the toolbar. You will be prompted for confirmation of the deletion and, if confirmed, the task will be removed from the list. Scheduled tasks can also be removed automatically after their schedule time has expired. To activate this feature: in the task properties window select the options Do not schedule task after this date and Remove task if it must no longer be run and enter the date, after which the task should no longer be run. The task will be deleted from the list automatically once its schedule period has expired.

Modifying task properties
To modify scheduled task's properties: select the Task properties command from the Tasks menu or click the Task properties button on the toolbar. Also, to open scheduled task properties, you can simply press ENTER on the selected task. The dialog window with scheduled task's properties can be opened directly on the Schedule tab if you select the Task schedule properties command from the Tasks menu or click the button Task schedule properties on the toolbar.

Executing scheduled tasks
To execute a scheduled task: select the Run task(s) now command from the Tasks menu or click the button Run task now on the toolbar.

Copying scheduled tasks
You can duplicate, copy to clipboard, cut to clipboard and paste from clipboard scheduled tasks using the appropriate commands from the Tasks menu.

Exporting scheduled tasks
To export scheduled tasks: select the Export command from the File menu in the appeared window select the Export scheduled task(s) option and click OK.

Create a scheduled task with Advanced Task Scheduler

Related Topics
Main window
Working with groups
Task properties
Shortcut properties
Schedule properties
User account options
Standby/hibernate options
Execution log

Categories: Getting started, Manual

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